Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Demagoguery of Greed...

Its a shame that CREDIT CARDS aren't "land-fill" friendly ...because that's where I'd like to send mine (dead, buried, and a'moldering-in-the-grave).

JP Morgan CHASE just jacked-up my rate to 29.24% -- despite the fact that I pay on time, have never been late, delinquent, or over my assigned balance limit.

The medias have reported that this sort of NONSENSE was (suddenly) imposed upon millions of card-holders. Gee! Aren't we surprised? Did everyone take note of the fact that such gentile changes to the "TERMS and CONDITIONS of USE" occurred - just before President Obama signed the "common sense" CreditCard legislation into law? Very jokie...

The card companies "claim" to offer the consumer "an option". You 'may' pay IN FULL (if you don't like their demagoguery)...

So wazzup?

This NONSENSE is staunch proof (all of it, negative) of GREED! We Americans have become THE premier "me first society of the planet". Corporations who behave like this should be subjected to mandatory refunds and HUGE fines (likewise payable in full). Didn't we, the citizenry of this "free" country, just "bail-out" these ass-holes?

Memo to myself: time for a "Balance Transfer" to another card company. Like most of working America, I'm too BROKE to pay off my balance in full...

And you?