Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The USA - a nation of laws? (or of lawyers)?

How much hope is there for the simplification of government and a return to "common-sense" ... when the majority of the legislators who create the laws of the land, are lawyers?

(Rhetorical, Me Thinks)

Armageddon (the end of the World)!

What happens if a big asteroid hits Earth?

Well ...judging from realistic simulations (involving a sledge hammer and common laboratory frogs), we can assume it will be pretty bad. The ONE THING that is certain? You can throw-out all the visual stereotypes based-upon the images popularized by disaster-movies and television Nature programming...

When (not, "if") another mass-extinction event aligns itself on a collision-course with Mother Earth (and astrophysicists have shown that such objects tend to travel very, VERY fast), it's not going to be a mountain-sized rock likely to linger long enough to be "watched" (as though it were going to lumber slowly into a broadside with our planet). There'll be no, "Slow-Mo"...

When (not, "if") some massive object from space collides with our (mostly) water-covered home, everything and everyone in the line of FIRE will be v-a-p-o-r-i-z-e-d (virtually instantaneously)! All else won't be quite as lucky. That scenario will be a TRUE "Hell on Earth", and science can almost promise it, as a statistical certainty:

Billions of Souls, Trillions of tons - turned into plasma. One and all will go, "poof" like a puff of smoke. Don't worry, be happy - you won't feel a thing ...

Me Thinks.

P.S. In any case, I've always suspected that DEATH must be a lot like a non-memory, akin to a faded recollection from before we were born...